I did WHAT?

Well, I signed up for a race. More on that later.

Training and recovery are going rather well. Previous week I was in Houston for work. Before I left, I checked the surroundings of my hotel – using Google maps – for any useable running routes and thought I had identified a decent 15K route. However, seeing the city in real life proved different. There was no way to safely run while there. Additionally, the temperature – for someone used to a comfortably cold-ish climate – was too high! So, there was the treadmill. They are a necessary evil that help kill the spare hours on a business trip.

-= Plans =-

Back home, I found that my injured hip is getting better and better – even despite the 9-hour flight – and that I can slowly but surely start returning to my old mileage. This is good news, considering my plans for 2016 (to my regret, my injured hip prevented me from doing both the Haarlem half and the Amsterdam half).

rtm-marathonThere has been a slight deviation from my original plans. I tried to get in the London marathon but I found that admission prices are only a fraction of the entry-cost from my country. Apparently, the companies selling bibs for the London marathon feel the need to combine them with 1000 euro city-trips. As I like to plan my own city-trips, I decided against.

I am not too certain whether it was a black-out or whether I was not  fully awake yet, but on the b2tf1morning that registration for the Rotterdam marathon had opened, I signed up. Had I not done this on the 6:15 train to work, but at home with the Missus by my side, she might have talked some sense into me. As it is, I am set to do the 26.2 miles or 42K (and change) at the beginning of next year. Though I have thought this through, I cannot help but feeling: WHATHAVEIDONE??!???!??!?!??!?!?!11111!!>>>!??! (It would be good to have Gray’s Sports Almanac to have a peek into the future :-D)

-= Paris to Rotterdam =-

66b19-roparunlogoOnly a month after running Rotterdam, I will be returning to the <strike>future</strike> city of Rotterdam to end the relay-run from Paris. This project – in which running is the easiest bit – is getting underway. We are slowly finding participants and are in the process of finding sponsors. More on this as we progress.

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